Watch Princess Protection Program <-

So, I`ve recently seen Princess Protection Program. Everyone looks for it, but doesn`t always find the movie. What`s this movie about? I`ll tell you the plot :

Princess Protection Program

Princess Rosalinda (Demi Lovato) of the small Spanish-speaking nation of Costa Luna is about to be crowned queen upon reaching maturity. Inexplicably, General Kane, the dictator of a neighboring country (Costa Estrella), is able to massively infiltrate her palace with his agents during her coronation rehearsal, and attempts to assassinate her while effecting a coup d'etat against her regime. Luckily, Joe Mason, an agent of the Princess Protection Program, a secret organization funded by royal families that looks after endangered princesses, is able to whisk her away to safety via helicopter because Gen. Kane’s agents failed to secure her rooftop helipad. They succeeded in capturing her mother, the Queen Sophia, but unfortunately for the general, his coup severely alienated him from the international authorities.

To keep Princess Rosalinda hidden, the Princess Protection Program places her in Mr. Mason’s home in rural Louisiana because she refuses to trust anyone else. There she meets his daughter Carter (Selena Gomez), an insecure girl who works at the local bait shop and dreams of going to the school dance with her crush, Donny (Robert Adamson). In becoming a normal teenager, Rosalinda takes up the name Rosie and soon becomes popular at school, which Carter must learn to handle. The two become close friends. Carter teaches Rosie to act like a normal American girl, and Rosie shows Carter how to disarm those that scorn them and put them in their place by behaving as a princess.

Meanwhile, General Kane plots to marry Rosalinda’s mother, ostensibly in order to legitimize his rule, but also to draw Rosalinda, the late King’s legitimate heiress, out of hiding so that he can ambiguously marry her, place her on the throne as a puppet, kill her, or kill both her and her mother to wipe out the royal family.

Joe Mason understands that if Rosie knows General Kane is forcing her mother into marriage, then she will want to give herself up in order to placate his need to secure his rule. He also knows that Gen. Kane is likely to simply kill Rosie if he can get his hands on her. Unfortunately, Mr. Mason fails to recognize the threat posed by the popular girls at school, who want Rosie to drop out of the election for Homecoming Queen. After discovering that Rosie is actually a princess, they tell Rosie about Gen. Kane’s plan to marry her mother and try to “encourage” her to leave by destroying her and Carter’s homecoming dresses.

Rosalinda is distraught and makes up her mind to leave without anyone knowing besides Carter. Carter knows what will happen if Rosie goes back, so asks her to do her one last favor and stay until after the Homecoming. Rosalinda agrees to wait to return to Costa Luna until after the dance. To acquire new dresses, Carter calls Rosalinda’s dressmaker, Mr. Elegante, and asks him to send some as part of a plan to save Rosie, the Queen, and Costa Luna. To carry out their plan, Mr. Elegante sends the dresses and pretends to betray Rosalinda’s whereabouts to Gen. Kane in order to lure him to Louisiana (Carter's plan is to use herself as bait to get Gen. Kane to expose himself, knowing that her father "will always be there for [her]," and probably also that there is no way a rogue foreign dictator can enter U.S. airspace and land unnoticed by the authorities).

In the meantime, Rosie and Carter help a bunch of girls by making them look good for the dance, which includes wearing masks to help Carter stand in for Rosie. Gen. Kane flies to Louisiana with only a few men in order to try to abduct Rosie. As part of her plan, Carter poses as Rosie by wearing a dress of the same color that Gen. Kane was informed that Rosie would be wearing, and is taken away to the Gen. Kane's helicopter. But again, Gen. Kane’s agents fail to actually secure the helipad on top of the school. Mr. Mason and his Princess Protection Program agents bribe or sneak their way into Gen. Kane’s helicopter and arrest the General while his men offer no resistance (although the agents promise to turn him over to “the international authorities,” this would be the first time in history that a ruling head of state has been arrested on foreign soil, but it is also the first time a ruling head of state has personally traveled to another country to abduct someone).

At the end, Carter realizes what a jerk Donny is and goes to the dance with Ed, who is her best friend and has had a crush on her for a long time. In the ends, Rosie is crowned Queen of Costa Luna. Carter and Ed cheer, "Long Live Queen Rosie!" and Rosie walks down the aisle with Carter smiling proudly.

One year later, Carter and Rosie are seen as fully-fledged agents of PPP, and are being assigned a new assignment by the directress.

Despre Halloween

Deci sa incepem cu Halloween`ul
Hmm, daca ne gandim putin, Halloween-ul este o sarbatoare celebrata in noaptea de 31 Octombrie in special in Statele Unite, Canada, Marea Britanie si Irlanda, insa in ultimul timp din ce in ce mai mult si in Romania: dc? pentru ca pur si simplu adolescentii din ziua de azi adera tot mai mult la costume si farse, insa si mai mult la a se dinstra in aceasta noapte infricosatoare.
Povestea spune ca, in aceasta zi, de 31 octombrie, spiritele persoanelor care au murit in ultimul an se intorc pe pamant in cautarea unor corpuri vii pentru a le poseda pe perioada anului viitor, acesta fiind singura speranta de a avea o viata dupa moarte.
Celtii credeau ca in noaptea dinspre 1 noiembrie, valul care separa pe cei vii de cei morti, cat si spiritele rele intra in lumea celor vii. Aceste spirite pot chinui oamenii, pot ucide animale si pot fura copii.
Pentru a evita orice rau, celtii credeau ca trebuie sa faca 2 lucruri:
-sa aduca daruri spiritelor sau sa le aduca jertfe, uneori chiar umane;
-sa se deghizeze in spirite derutand astfel spiritele rele.
Astfel, copii au inceput sa se deghizeze in demoni, sa mearga din casa in casa cerand mancare sau dulciuri.
Legendar a ramas insa dovleacul lui Jack sculptat si cu o lumina inauntru.
Deşi această tradiţie este îmbrăţişată de majoritatea americanilor, puţini cunosc originile dovleacului de Halloween, care provine dintr-un mit i rlandez. Potrivit legendei, un om numit “Stingy Jack” l-a invitat pe dracul să ia masa cu el.Nevrând să plătească pentru consumaţie, a reuşit până la urmă să-l convingă pe necuratul să se transforme într-o monedă cu care ar putea plăti masa.Apoi, trişând, a păstrat moneda în buzunar lânga o cruciuliţă de argint care l-a împiedicat pe diavol să-şi recapete forma. Până la urmă, Jack l-a eliberat pe diavol cu condiţia să nu-l bată la cap timp de un an şi dacă va fi să moară nu-i va lua sufletul.
Anul următor, de Halloween, Jack l-a păcălit din nou pe diavol să se urce într-un pom după nişte fructe şi în acest timp el a sculptat o cruce pe copac pentru ca diavolul să nu se mai poată da jos decât dacă nu-l va deranja timp de 10 ani. La scurt timp Jack a murit, exact de Halloween, şi Dumnezeu nu a dorit să-i dea voie unui netrebnic ca el în rai. În acelaşi timp, diavolul a zis că se ţine de promisiune nelăsându-l în iad.
L-a trimis pe acesta în noaptea de Halloween doar cu o lampă pe care Jack a pus-o într-un dovleac sculptat.
De la această legendă s-a păstrat tradiţia şi până în zilele de astăzi cu sculptatul dovleacului de Halloween.
Chiar şi din povestea lui Jack ne putem da seama că această sărbătoare nu are nimic creştin în ea, ci are de-a face numai cu diavolul şi aleşii lui, şi totuşi cât de uşor a fost preluată de creştini!
Aaa si era sa uit. Daca doriti sa ascultati cea mai frumoasa melodie : This Is Halloween intrati pe :
funnymady29 va doreste o seara placuta :*;) !!!