°•~Dare To Be Different~•°: cu ReBeLiI la liceu made by Mady M.C.

°•~Dare To Be Different~•°: cu ReBeLiI la liceu made by Mady M.C.

Watch Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Squeakquel (2009) <- click

Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Squeakquel (2009) is a wonderful movie.
If you wish to see the movie, just click the title and you`ll see it. BTW,it has romanian sub
So here`s the plot:
During the Chipmunks' benefit concert in Paris, France, Dave (Jason Lee) is badly injured after a falling billboard sends him flying across the stage into electric devices.

After the accident, Dave is rushed to the hospital. Even though he survives, he must stay to recuperate, leaving Dave’s Aunt Jackie to look after the Chipmunks, while arrangements are also made for them to go to school.

Arriving at an airport, the Chipmunks meet up with Jackie, who introduces her grandson, Tobin "Toby" Seville (Zachary Levi). After Jackie falls down a staircase and a luggage trolley crashes into her, she, too, is sent to a hospital, leaving Toby in charge.

Meanwhile, Ian (David Cross) now lives in the basement of JETT Records. A FedEx truck comes around the corner, and a package falls out. Three singing female chipmunks, Brittany (Christina Applegate), Jeanette (Anna Faris) and Eleanor (Amy Poehler), who call themselves the Chipettes, emerge from the package and introduce themselves to Ian. Brittany says that since Ian made the Chipmunks stars, they want to be stars, too. To prove their talent, they sing "Put Your Records On," and Ian hires them.

During their first day at school, Alvin, Simon and Theodore catch the attention of the females in their class. The jocks grow jealous, physically bullying them and resulting in all parties being sent to the Principal Office. There, they discover that the Principal, Dr. Rubin, is a huge fan of the Chipmunks. She consequently asks the Chipmunks to save the school’s music programme by representing their school in the Battle of the Bands in exchange for not suspending them. The Chipmunks immediately accepts. Meanwhile, when Ian receives the daily newspaper, he is shocked to find the Chipmunks on the front page. After he reads the story, he quickly sends the Chipettes to school (just to get the winning money).

Tension between Alvin and Simon develops as Alvin begins socialising with the jocks of the school, but the one who is most affected is Theodore, who believes he is losing his brothers because they are fighting all the time.

When the Chipmunks meet the Chipettes, they gain crushes on their counterparts, but are soon forced to have a rivalry after discovering that they are with Ian. The Chipmunks and the Chipettes compete against each other in the Battle of the Bands. During lunchtime, Alvin meets up with Brittany, sharing a slightly romantic moment with her until he warns her about Ian’s past. Brittany leaves, not believing him.

At a concert, the Chipettes sing "Single Ladies (Put a Ring on It)". Ian videotapes the Chipettes performance and posts it on YouTube, along with his phone number. The Chipettes win the competition and Ian becomes rich and famous again. Simon and Theodore had been forced to forfeit the competition when Alvin failed to show up, and at home, Simon and Theodore ignore him. The embarrassment is too much for Theodore, causing him to run away to the zoo, where Toby and the boys find and save him. This brings out the best in all four of them and the Chipmunks forgive each other.

Soon, the Chipettes are hired as the opening act at a Britney Spears concert at the Staples Centre. Unfortunately, the concert is on the same night as the school concert, so Ian decides to blow off the battle and make the Chipettes perform at the concert. However, Brittany refuses Ian’s command to sing without her sisters, so Ian threatens to barbecue them at a restaurant if they don't.

At the school, the Battle of the Bands is approaching. Alvin gets a phone call from Brittany, saying that she and her sisters have been imprisoned in a cage. Alvin races to save them on his motorbike while Simon tells Jeanette how to open the cage on the phone. The Chipettes escape the cage, climb out of the limo, and jump onto Alvin's bike, with Ian in pursuit.

While being chased, Brittany apologizes to Alvin. Ian pursues them with a remote control helicopter, but fails, and Alvin and the Chipettes arrive at the contest just before Simon and Theodore forfeit. All chipmunks sing "We Are Family" and the school wins $25,000.

At the Staples Centre, Ian attempts to impersonate Brittany while singing Single Ladies. He is booed off by the crowd and taken away by the security guards.

Back at the school, The Chipmunks and Chipettes sing ‘Shake your Groove Thing’ and all of the students dance. The Chipmunks go back home with a recovered Dave while Toby goes back home, and the Chipettes are adopted into the family. When Dave wishes them good night and turns the lights off, Alvin turns them back on repeatedly. After Dave trips over a skateboard, Alvin wishes him good night and turns the lights off.

The post credits show the jocks cleaning breaches with Dr. Rubin watching them.

An epilogue shows Ian being thrown into a dumpster backstage by the guards.

cu ReBeLiI la liceu made by Mady M.C.

Ep 21
"Para el yo soy su hermana"

Ucker-Asta e problema.Saptamana aceasta nu mi-ai adresat nici-o vorba.Ce se intampla cu noi,Annie?
Annie(plangand)No se!
Ucker-(trist)Cred ca...cel mai bine ar fi sa...sa...ne despartim.M-am gandit foarte bine la asta si cred ca e cea mai buna decizie.Chiar daca ma doare...(o lacrima ii cade pe obraz)Iti urez o viata frumoasa.Dar...sa nu uiti ca nimeni nu te va iubi ca mine...niciodata!
Mai tarziu
Dul-Wow!Nu-l credeam pe Ucker atat de sentimental.
Mai(Maite)-E o nouate.Imi pare foarte rau,Annie...
Annie-Nu stiu de ce,dar...nu ma doare atat de tare...Ucker este ca un frate pentru mine...in nici-un caz un iubit.Cred ca am stiut asta din totdeauna dar...nu am vrut sa recunosc.
Dul-Atunci...grabeste-te!Cred ca acum ti-ai dat seama pe cine iubesti cu adevarat,nu?
Annie-Da!Asa e!
Annie pleaca.
Mai-Stai!Oare la cine se duce?
Dul-Nu ma intreba!Nu stiu.
Perla(Genesis Rodriguez)-Holla Poncho!
Poncho-Perla?Ce faci?Mai nou ma urmaresti?
Perla-No.Am venit sa-ti marturisesc ceva.
Poncho-Ce anume?
Perla-Poncho...ma intreb cum de nu ai observat.Soy loca por ti!(si il saruta)
Annie ajunge chiar in momentul in care Perla il saruta pe Poncho.In mintea ei erau doar intrebari.Cum de s-a gandit ca el s-ar putea uita la ea...El o vedea ca pe o sora.
XXX-Buna!Imi poti spune unde este biroul directorului?

Ep 22 ( continuare )
Dupa cateva luni in Paris
Marina-Si apoi?
Annie(Anahi)-Apoi am fugit.Nu cred ca m-a vazut...Dupa ce am plecat nu stiu ce s-a mai intamplat cu ei...N-am sa uit nciodata acea imagine..acea imagine cu ei doi....Mi-a ramas intiparita in minte.Apoi am intrat in camera si....
Dul(Dulce Maria)-Deci cum a fost?
Mai(Maite)-Ai fost la Poncho,nu?
Annie nu raspunde nimic...doar tace si o lacrima i se prelinge pe obraz.Da din cap,asta insemnand afirmativ.
Dul-(foarte bucuroasa)Ti-am spus eu!Ti-am spus eu!Am castigat pariul!!!!!
Mai-Ce pariu?Si eu am spus acelasi lucru.Era evident ca se ducea la Poncho...
Dul-Mda.....in fine...(entuziasmata)Deci?Cum a mers?
Annie nu raspunde nimic
Dul-Sa nu-mi spui ca te-a refuzat...
Mai-Nu se poate!Dar el mi-a spus ca te place..Defapt ne-a spus tuturor...
Poncho intra in camera
Poncho(Alfonso)-Buna Mai,Annie,Dul!Mai...m-au sunat parintii nostri si mi-au spus ca...Annie..de ce plangi?
Annie iese din camera....Avea nevoie de aer...Poate ca luna,stelele..i-ar fi fost un bun sfetnic....un sfetnic tacut..pentru ca de atat ar fi avut nevoie...de liniste.
Si apoi l-am sunat pe tata si i-am propus sa vin intr-o scurta vacanta aici,in Paris.Credeam ca totul se va rezolva...Dar..nu e asa...Din pacate va trebui sa ma intorc...
Marina-Nu-ti face griji...Poate ca nu va fi atat de greu precum crezi...
Dul(Dulce Maria)-Ti-am spus eu!Ti-am spus si iti repet:ESTE NUMAI VINA TA!!!!!!!!!

cu ReBeLiI la liceu made by Mady M.C.

Ep 20
"Te encuentro despierto,me dices lo siento"

Dul(Dulce Maria)Pe mine?De ce?
Ucker(Christopher)Voiam sa-mi cer scuze pentru seara aceea.
Dul-Nici-o problema....
Mai tarziu
Ucker(Christopher)-Annie,vreau sa vorbim!
Annie(Anahi)Sigur spune!
Mai(Maite)-Auzi ce spun?
Dul(Dulce Maria)Foarte putin.Tu?
Mai-Nu prea.
Poncho(Poncho)-Ce faceti acolo?
Dul-Taci!Nu aud ce spun!
Poncho-Nu ati aflat ca nu e frumos sa ascultati pe la usi?
Mai-Mai lasa-ma cu politeturile!Nu aud!
Poncho-Ce ascultati acolo?
Dul-Annie si Ucker vorbesc.Esti multumit de explicatie?Acum taci!
Poncho-Eu plec...Am lucruri mult mai importante de facut...
Era deja ora 17:30.Cassandra il astepta pe Ucker.Totul era gata.Pregati-se deja o cina romantica ce avea sa-l dea cata pe Ucker.Dar..el nu mai sosea.Statea cu ochii pe telefon.Poate ca o va suna sa ii spuna ca va intarzia.
Dar Ucker avea treburi mult mai importante de rezolvat.
Ucker-De ce te comporti asa cu mine?
Annie-La ce te referi?
Ucker-Stii foarte bine.Mereu ma respingi.
Annie-Nu pot sa-ti acord tie tot timpul meu.

cu ReBeLiI la liceu made by Mady M.C.

Ep 19
"Ay,la odio!"

Sofia(Angelique Boyer)Holla hermanita!
Monica(Vanessa Villela)Ay!Iti aduci aminte ce am discutat?
Sofia-Nu.La ce te referi?
Monica-Acasa suntem rude.Dar la scoala,nu ma cunosti!Ai inteles?Ma faci de rusine!
Sofia-Ay!Nu mai spune!Am lucruri mult mai importante de facut,decat sa stau cu tine.
Monica-Da?Ce anume?Sa te plimbi cu ratatele tale de prietene?Oups!Sorry!Tu nu ai prietene.
Sofia-Viata mea nu te priveste honney!Si daca chiar vrei sa stii...Astazi am un date.
Monica-Da?Cu cine?(razand)Cu omul care ne strange gunoaiele din fata casei?
Sofia-Nu!Cu Chris!
Sofia pleaca.
Monica-Ay!Nu o suport!Nu poate fi adevarat!Chris nu se poate uita la sora-mea.
Cristina(Hannah Montana)Parca ziceai ca nu e sora ta la scoala.
Monica-Nu incepe si tu!Mai bine...hai sa mergem in oras!
In ora toti isi facura cadouri deoarece a doua zi era Craciunul.
Alejandro-(Dereck James)Annie,nu ai vrea sa vii maine sa bem ceva?
Dul(Dulce Maria)Nu poate!Are foarte multa treaba.
Alejandro-Nu te-am intrebat pe tine!Am intrebat-o pe Annie!
Dul-Nu inteleg ce ai cu mine.Mereu spui ca sunt bagacioasa etc.
Alejandro-Si ce?Vrei sa spui ca nu-i adevarat?
Dul-Nu!Nu e adevarat!
Annie-Dul are dreptate,Ale!Am foarte multa treaba si nu pot!Stii si tu...pregatiri etc.
Cassandra(Avril Lavigne)-Holla Ucker!Nu ai vrea sa treci maine pe la mine sa sarbatorim?
Ucker(Christopher)Nu stiu..poate.Cred ca da.
Cassandra-Ok!Ne vedem maine pe la 17 la adresa asta:********************Ne vedem acolo.Bye!
Ucker-Dar nu am spus ca voi veni...
Prea tarziu.Cassandra plecase deja!
Sofia(Angelique Boyer)-No lo puedo creer!
Sofia-Nu pot sa cred ca m-ai invitat in oras!
Chris-Ay pollita!Esti cea mai frumoasa din colegiu!
Chris-Sunt sigur.(in gand)Da...cum sa nu! :P
Cristina-No!!!Uite cine e acolo!
Monica-Cine?No!Tine-ma ca o voi omori!!!!!!!Tampita,proasta aia!!!!O urasc!!!!Nenorocita asta mi-o va plati!Iti jur pe ce am mai scump ca mi-o va plati cu varf si indesat!
Dul era pe-afara.Statea pe o banca.
Ucker-Buna Dul!
Dul-Tu?Ce cauti pe-aici.Daca o cauti pe Annie sa stii ca nu e aici.
Ucker-Sincer sa fiu...Nu o cautam pe Annie.Pe tine te cautam Dul!

cu ReBeLiI la liceu made by Mady M.C.

Ep 18
"El plan"

Melissa(Ana Layevska)La ce te referi?

Perla(Genesis Rodriguez)-Imi vei spune tot ce face Poncho.
Melissa-Eu trebuie sa ii ofer un cadou nu stau cu el nonstop.
Perla-Mellisa nu ma supara!Nu uita ca imi esti datoare.
Melissa-Cu ce iti sunt datoare?
Perla-Nu ma face sa repet,pentru ca stii ca nu-mi place!Prietenele...
Melissa-Se ajuta intotdeauna.Stiu...stiu..
Perla-Foarte bine!
Monica(Vanessa Villela)-Cassie!Am auzit ca ai un plan pentru a-l cuceri pe Ucker.
Cassandra(Avril Lavigne)Deja s-a raspandit zvonul?
Cristina(Hannah Montana)Nu.Monica a ascultat o cenversatie dintre Sabrina si Mai.
Cassandra-Deci...proasta ai s-a dus cu barfa deja.Nu-i nimic.
Monica-Deci...Care e planul?
Cristina-Daniel!Stai!Ai vrea sa invatam impreuna?Nu prea inteleg lectiile si..daca ai vrea sa ma ajuti..
Daniel(Daniel Radclife)-Pues...nu cred!Am foarte mult de lucru si nu vreau sa raman in urma.
Cristina-Ok...Te inteleg....Nici o problema.
Monica-No lo puedo creer!Ay Cris!Tu si...ala?
Cristina-Nu!Voiam doar sa ma ajute la lectii.
Monica-Uite ce e Cris.Ala nu e pentru tine.Tu ai nevoie de un baiat care sa arate bine..nu ca..specimenul asta.Un baiat ca....Chris,de exemplu.
Cristina-Nu Moni.Chris e numai pentru tine.Apropo...unde e?
Monica- No se!Dar il voi gasi.Trebuie sa ma apropii mai mult de el.
Cristina-Asta asa e!Daca il privesti de la distanta nu vei resi nimic.Trebuie sa actionezi!Imi cunosc varul foarte bine.
Monica-Hei,ar trebui sa te faci psiholog!Te pricepi la sfaturi.
Cristina-Da...(in gand)Ce usor e sa dai sfaturi...Dar ce greu e sa actionezi...

cu ReBeLiI la liceu made by Mady M.C.

Ep 17

Director-Dupa cum stiti ca in fiecare an trebuie sa va faceti cadouri unul altuia.Domnul profesor Duarte va va pune sa alegeti cate un biletel iar voi trebuie sa faceti un cadou persoanei cu acel nume.Dar cred ca stiati.Succes!
Dupa ora.
Dul(Dulce Maria)-Nu se poate!Nu se poate!Pur si simplu nu accept!
Annie(Anahi)Ce s-a intamplat?
Dul-Trebuie sa-i fac un cadou Emei.
Annie-Cel putin stii ce cadou sa-i faci.
Dul-Ce cadou?
Annie-Mancare de vipera.
Dul-Daca ar fi atat de usor...Tu cui trebuie sa-i faci cadou?
Annie-Monicai.Nu e chiar atat de usor...Avand in vedere ca e prietena cu vipera aia de Cassandra.
Mai(Maite)-Da...Vipera aia de Cassandra..Ei trebuie sa-i fac un cadou.
Mai-Iar ea trebuie sa-mi faca un cadou...
Annie-Ay Mai...As vrea sa fac schimb cu tine..dar..nu se poate.
Dul-Asa e!E strict interzis.Iar daca te prinde...Caietul cu lista este la director.
Annie-Si daca l-am lua?
Dul-Mai bine nu riscam..
Perla(Genesis Rodriguez)Cum mi-ai putut face asta?Credeam ca suntem prietene?
Melissa(Ana Layevska)-Dar suntem.
Perla-O adevarata prietena nu mi-ar face asta.
Melissa-Nu e vina mea ca eu trebuie sa ii dau un cadou lui Poncho.
Perla-Si el trebuie sa iti faca tie un cadou.Sa nu uiti asta!Imi esti datoare.Dar daca ma gandesc bine...exista si o parte buna in asta...Sunt un geniu!

cu ReBeLiI la liceu made by Mady M.C.

Ep 16
"Somos enemigos ok?"

Era el...Se apropiau din ce in ce mai tare..pana cand..usa se tranti groaznic.Si fulgerele nu se mai opreau.Parca cerul era impotriva lor.
Dul(Dulce Maria)Deci?Ce cauti aici?
Ucker(Christopher)Pai...ma plimbam pe aici..si m-am gandit sa o vizitez pe Annie.
Dul-Da..dar e cam tarziu pentru vizite,nu?
Ucker-Ai dreptate..dar voiam sa stiu daca ati terminat cu uitatul la televizor...
Dul-Deci de asta ai venit,nu?(nervoasa)Ca sa ne verifici.Dar.."din pacate" meciul vostru s-a terminat.
Ucker-L-am fi prins daca nu voiati voi sa va uitati la filmul ala stupid.Sper ca l-ati savurat din plin pentru ca va fi ultimul vostru film la televizorul din colegiu.Ai inteles?
Dul-Pe mine sa nu ma ameninti!Ai inteles?
Annie-Cine e?E cineva?
Cineva o atinse pe umar iar ea tresari.
Annie-Baboso!Trebuia sa fii tu,nu?
Poncho-Ti-am spus ca nu va ramane asa.
Annie-Aha.Si ai vrut sa ma sperii,nu?Nu ai idee cat de tampit poti fi..
Poncho-Ms pentru compliment.Crede-ma ca nu am sa-l uit.
Annie-Cu o minte atat de scurta...ma cam indoiesc...
Deodata fulgera si incepu sa ploaie incat Annie sari in bratele lui Poncho.
Annie-Da-mi drumul idiotule!
Poncho-Eu nu am facut nimic.Annie..nu cumva simti pentru mine ceva mai mult decat o simpla prietenie?
Annie nu mai stia ce sa spuna.Ar fi putut spune da,dar daca el nu simtea acelasi lucru?Daca el nu simtea aceeasi flacara in interior?
Annie-Stii ceva..cu asta ai rupt prietenia noastra pentru totdeauna.Nu te suport Poncho!
Annie pleaca.
Poncho-(zambind)Nu mi-a raspuns la intrebare.

cu ReBeLiI la liceu made by Mady M.C.

Ep 15
Mai-Te rog lasa-ma!
Chris-Mai,Mai!Eu sunt.Te-ai tacanit?
Mai-Ay!Chris!M-ai speriat ingrozitor.
Chris-Atunci te voi speria si mai rau!
Mai tipa...din nou
Annie(Anahi)-Ai auzit asta?
Dul(Dulce Maria)Nu..nu.Nu am auzit nimic.(somnoroasa)Lasa-ma Annie.Vreau sa dorm.
Annie iese din camera fara sa o observe Dul.
Annie-Sunt sigura ca s-a auzit ceva.Sunt absolut sigura!Daca in acest colegiu exista fantome ce bantuie?Nu..nu.Fantomele sunt povesti de speriat copii.Deci nu am de ce sa ma sperii.Sunt mai curajoasa decat cred.O nu!Am inceput sa vorbesc singura.
Annie isi repeta aceiasi fraza in gand:Sunt mai curajoasa decat cred.
La un moment dat...o umbra isi facu aparitia pe neasteptate....
In camera lui Dul usa se aude scartaind.
Dul-Annie..tu esti?Ti-am spus sa ma lasi sa dorm.
Dar cand Dul se intoase sa vada ce se intampla,Annie nu era acolo ci era....

cu ReBeLiI la liceu made by Mady M.C.

Ep 11
"Niciodata sa nu zici niciodata"

Dul(Dulce Maria)Stii ce ma enerveaza cel mai mult?
Ucker(Christopher)Ce anume?
Dul-Iti dau o incercare ca sa ghicesti.
Ucker-Stai sa ma gandesc.
Dul-Tu?Gandesti?Asta chiar ca e o noutate.
Ucker-Chiar asa?Nu mai spune.Credeam ca tot rosul asta din parul tau ti-a afectat creierul.
Mai(Maite)-Gata!Gata!Calmati-va!Nu rezolvati nimic certandu-va!De ce nu va impacati?Asa puteti sa va apropiati mai mult,si poate...poate...
Dul-Nici-un cuvant in plus,Mai!
Ucker-Revino pe planeta Mai!
Dul-Uite cine vorbeste!Cel ce pluteste prin Cosmos!
Ucker-Ideea e ca eu si Dul nu ne vom intelege niciodata!
Mai-Of!Ce ma fac eu cu voi?
Ucker-Ideea e ca eu si Dul nu ne vom intelege niciodata!
Niciodata sa nu spui niciodata.
Ep 12 ( continuare )
Annie(Anahi)-Trezeste-te somnoroaso!E dimineata!In curand incep orele.
Mai(Maite)-Nu...nu...nu am chef de scoala.
Dul-(Dulce maria)Te simti bine?
Mai-Da...dar nu am dormit prea bine?
Annie-De ce?
Mai-Pentru ca cineva a vorbit in somn.
Dul-Si ce a vorbit in somn?
Mai-Nu a vorbit!A mormait.
Dul rade.
Annie-De ce razi?E normal,nu?
Dul&Mai rad din ce in ce mai tare.
Poncho(Poncho)-Buna fetelor!
Dul-Buna Poncho!Dar ce cauti aici?
Poncho-Voiam sa va anunt sa nu va duceti diseara sa va uitati la vre-un film sau ceva.
Annie-De ce?E o tara libera.Putem sa ne uitam la ce vrem noi.
Poncho-Diseara e un meci de fotbal si eu,Chris si Ucker nu vrem sa-l pierdem.
Annie-Aha.Pai..va trebui sa va schimbati planurile pentru ca eu,Mai si Dul vrem sa ne uitam diseara la un film.Ok?
Poncho-De ce trebuie voi mereu sa faceti ce vreti?
Annie-Pentru ca asa e legea.Fetele au prioritate.
Poncho-(sarcastic)Nu mai spune.
Annie-Ba o spun.Cine o sa ma impiedice?
Dul(Dulce Maria)l-Hei,hei,hei!Calmati-va!Parca va impacasera-ti!
Annie&Poncho-Nu te baga!
Poncho pleaca
Mai(Maite)-Annie...scuze,dar...ce film este diseara?
Annie-Nu stiu.Trebuie sa fie ceva.Am spus ca diseara ne uitam la ceva doar ca sa nu-i fac pe plac astuia.
Dul-Pai..hai sa ne pregatim pentru film.Ai facut programare?
Mai-Grabeste-te!Poate Poncho a ajuns deja acolo.
Sabrina(Ludwika Paleta)Mai!Cassandra are un plan pentru a-l cuceri pe Ucker.

cu ReBeLiI la liceu made by Mady M.C.

Ep 10
"El profesor"

XXX-Numele meu este Leonardo Duarte,si sunt noul vostru profesor de geografie.As vrea sa va prezentati.Incepem de aici.Cum te numesti domnisoara?
Emiliana(Britney Spears)-Numele meu este Ema Rivera Penlipe.
Leonardo(Christian Meier)-Ti s-a mai spus ca esti foarte frumoasa?
Emiliana-Cred ca nu e treaba dv daca mi s-a spus sau nu!
Leonardo-Incercam sa-ti fac un compliment.Oricum!Sa continuam cu prezentarile.
Annie(Anahi)Simpatic profu,nu?
Dul(Dulce Maria)Nu stiu..Poate.
La sfarsitul orei can elevii ieseau din sala de clasa profesorul astepta pe cineva anume.
Leonardo-Holla belleza!
Emiliana-De unde stiai ca sunt aici?
Leonardo-Sa spunem ca am ghicit.Ti-am simtit dorul dupa ce ai plecat.
Leonardo-Dar tu?Tu mi-ai simtit lipsa?
Emiliana-Mai conteaza?
Leonardo-Apropo de ce ai plecat?
Emiliana-Ca sa scap de tine!E buna explicatia asta?
Leonardo-Zgarii mai tare ca o pisica!Iti aduci aminte ca ne placea sa ne jucam de-a soarecele si pisica?
Emiliana-Ai imbatranit Leo!Nu-mi mai placi.
Leonardo-Cum poti sa ma arunci ca pe o pereche de cioarapi vechi?
Emiliana-Foarte simplu!(impingandu-l)Uite asa!
Leonardo-Fata asta...mereu mi-a placut!N-am s-o las sa-mi scape!Imi place din ce in ce mai mult...
Perla(Genesis Rodriguez)Hei!Imi placi!Ce-ai zice sa ne imprietenim?
Emiliana-Poate...Mai vedem..Nu se stie niciodata.
Perla-Ce ai zice sa megem la un suc?
Emiliana-Nu stiu...
Melissa(Ana Layevska)-Haide!Doar suntem colege de camera!
Melissa-Da!Am vazut lista!
Emiliana-Bine...C'mon girls!

cu ReBeLiI la liceu made by Mady M.C.

Ep 9-partea 1

Norma(Angelina Jolie)-Vei fi cel mai faimos fotomodel!
Renato(Fernando Colunga)-Fii serioasa!Nu-i mai baga copilului atatea porcarii in cap.Numai femeile au aceste "slujbe".Daca pot sa le zic asa...
Norma-Faci discriminare!Asta faci!Sunt sute de barbati care lucreaza astfel!
Renato-Lucreaza?Asta numesti tu munca?Sa te fatai pe o pasarela de colo-colo?Esti mai nebuna decat credeam.
Norma-Si de ce te-ai mai insurat cu mine daca sunt nebuna?Acum regreti,nu?
Renato-Plec la fabrica!Anunta-ma cand te simti mai bine!
Norma-Nu mai vorbi asa in fata copilului.
Antonio(Eddy Vilard)-Mama!Nu mai sunt un copil!Stiu ce se petrece in casa asta.Stiu!Stiti ceva?Ma bucur ca m-ati trimis la un colegiu.Asa nu sunt nevoit sa ascult certurile voastre zilnice.Plec in camera mea.
Antonio-Am mult de invatat!Va rog...Nu ma deranjati!
Norma-Asta e numai din vina ta!
Renato-Mai taci,Norma!
In casa familiei Regnosa de Castillo
Carlota(Joss Stone)-Spuneti,domnisoara!
Annie-Carlota,unde sunt parintii mei?Adineauri erau aici!Peste 6 ore trebuie sa ma intorc la scoala si vreau sa-mi iau la revedere de la ei.
Carlota-Domnul si Doamna Regnosa de Castillo au plecat la o petrecere.Mi-au spus sa va dau acesti bani.
Annie-Bani,bani si iarasi bani.Numai la bani se gandesc.In loc sa mai stea putin cu mine,nu..ei trebuie sa plece la o petrecere!Macar puteau sa ma ia si pe mine..
Cassandra(Avril Lavigne)Planul meu nu va da gres!
Sabrina(Ludwika Paleta)La ce te referi?
Cassandra-Nu e treaba ta!Dar daca esti atat de curioasa...Iti spun!Dar daca sufli o vorba....
Sabrina-Nu sunt turnatoare.
Cassandra-Am un plan pentru a-l face pe Ucker sa ma placa!
Sabrina-Parca ziceai ca e topit dupa tine.
Cassandra-Cand am spus asta?
Sabrina-Nu mai stiu exact...Dar stiu sigur ca mi-ai spus!
Cassandra-Ay!Ti-am spus,nu ti-am spus.Ce mai conteaza?Tot una e!
Sabrina-Si..cum e planul tau?
Cassandra-Ma crezi atat de proasta incat sa-ti spun?
Cassandra-Nu mai spune nimic.
Sabrina-Cine o sa ma impiedice?
Sabrina-Aha..Tu si ce armata?
Paola(Victoria Ruffo)-Fetelor!Eu si tatal vostru trebuie sa mergem la o petrecere fabuloasa!Ne luam de pe acum la revedere de la voi.
Carlos(Cesar Evora)-Nu am spus niciodata ca merg la petrecerea aia.E foarte plictisitor.
Paola-Dragul meu!Asculta ce-ti spun!Daca nu mergi iti promit ca nu-ti mai adresez nici-un cuvant!
Carlos-Ce amenintare!Fetelor,noi mergem la petrecere.
Sabrina-Parca spuneai ca nu vrei sa mergi.
Carlos-Vedeti si voi cum ma ameninta mama voastra.Am de ales?
Cassandra&Sabrina-Nu prea...
Cassandra&Sabrina rad.
A doua zi la scoala.
Directorul-Stimati elevi!V-o prezint pe noua voastra colega.Eleva Emiliana Rivera Penlipe.
Emiliana(Britney Spears)Dar imi puteti spune Ema.Daca imi spuneti Emiliana o sa ma prefac ca nu va aud.
Directorul-Am inteles cu totii asta.Te poti aseza in ce banca doresti.
Dul(Dulce Maria)-Cine se crede asta?Infumurata mai e..
Annie(Anahi)-Deja imi e antipatica.
Mai(Maite)Tuturor ne e!Fii sigura!
Directorul-Regnosa,Marinas si Palacios!De ce nu spuneti tuturor ce aveti de spus.Se pare ca e foarte interesant.
Dul-Voiam sa-i uram "Bun venit"noii noastre colege.
Annie-Asa e!
Emiliana-Ms!Sper sa ne intelegem bine..desi..nu cred.Sunteti mult prea inferioare pentru mine.
Annie-Deja o urasc.
Va las sa va faceti ora de geografie in liniste.
Perla(Genesis Rodriguez)In sfarsit a plecat!Iar noi nu avem profesor de geografie.Asta inseamna ca ora aceasta nu facem geografie.
XXX-Nu as fi prea sigur domnisoara.

cu ReBeLiI la liceu made by Mady M.C.

Ep 8-partea 1

Monica(Vanessa Villela)-Holla Chris!
Monica-Ay Chris...Nu-mi spune ca te-am speriat.
Chris-Nu!Nu!Deloc...Nu m-ai speriat..De ce crezi asta?
Monica-Pentru ca ai tipat.
Chris-Eu?Eu am tipat?Ti s-a parut..Trebuie sa plec..
Chris-Ce vrei?
Mai-Ce s-a intamplat aseara?
Chris-La ce te referi?
Mai-Cum la ce ma refer?
Chris-Aaaa...La chestia aia...Da..da...Care chestie?
Mai-(enervandu-se)Nu fi prost..Chris!Ce s-a intamplat cu Annie si Poncho?
Chris-Aaaa..Da!Cand am intrat in camera...
Dul(Dulce Maria)-Aha...Fa-ma sa inteleg Tony!Deci..trebuie sa o mut cu 90 de grade la dreapta?
Antonio(Edy Vilard)-No!Greu mai intelegi Dul...
Dul-Scuza-ma Tony!Continuam lectia asta mai tarziu..poate maine...
Antonio-Nici o problema!
Dul-Mai,ce s-a intamplat?
Dul-Ce s-a intamplat cu Annie?
Chris-Annie s-a sarutat cu Poncho!!!I-am vazut eu aseara!
Dul-No manches!De asta Annie era atat de trista..
Dul,Chris si Mai ii vad pe Annie si pe Poncho venind din aceiasi directie.
Mai-Annie..dar voi nu erati certati?
Annie-Nu!(zambind)Suntem cei mai buni prieteni..
Dupa 3 zile
Dul-E week-end!Super!!!!Ma saturasem de atata invatat...
Annie-Obositoooor....Trebuie sa vina soferul sa ma duca acasa,dar vad ca intarzie..
Mai-La mine a sosit.Bye girls!Ne vedem luni.
Dul-Pa!Ma bucur ca te-ai impacat cu Poncho!
Annie-Da..Dul!Tie...iti place Poncho,nu?
Dul-Nu!Bineinteles ca nu!Suntem prieteni foarte buni.Credeam ca stii asta.
Annie-Voiam sa stiu...
Dul-De ce?Annie...nu cumva iti place Poncho mai mult decat ca prieten?
Annie-No Dul...No seas tarada...Hai ca plec.Pa!
Dul-E tare greu sa recunosti realitatea...Dar..ce sa faci..?

Turnu Severin: Staţiunea Bala, tot mai căutată de mehedinţeni

Turnu Severin: Staţiunea Bala, tot mai căutată de mehedinţeni
Nu departe de oraşul Baia de Aramă şi la o distanţã de circa 70 km de Severin, se află staţiunea balneo-climaterică Bala cu ape termo-minerale, cunoscutã încă de pe timpul dacilor. Apele minerale de aici sunt la fel de bune ca şi cele de la Herculane. Complexul de Odihnã şi Tratament Balnear este amenajat pentru asigurarea tuturor serviciilor necesare, fiind dotatã cu mijloace terapeutice moderne, tratamentul fãcându-se la baza medicalã din hotelul Ceres.
Construit pe patru nivele, înconjurat de brazi, aici este locul unde se întâmplă minunile medicale. Are o capacitate de 208 locuri. Cazarea se face în camere cu două paturi, cu televizor, cu încălzire centrală şi apă caldă în permanenţă. Masa este servită în pensiunea-cantină din incinta unităţii, celălalte activităţi pentru petrecerea timpului liber, se desfăşoară în club, iar tratamentul se aplică în baza medicală specializată din hotel. “Până anul trecut, veneau pacienţi numai din Mehedinţi şi din judeţele limitrofe. Acum, avem din toată ţara. Avem grupuri de la Botoşani, Suceava sau de la Constanţa”, ne spune directorul complexului, Constantin Cîtu.
Pe lângă pensionari, se pot caza şi turiştii
Cei care vin aici se simt aproape ca acasă, căci în marea lor majoritate sunt pensionari. „Sunt pentru prima dată aici. Împreună cu ginerele meu, m-am uitat pe internet şi am văzut că e o staţiune bună. E mai greu cu transportul, mai ales în zilele de sâmbătă şi duminică, pentru că nu poţi ajunge aici, dar ar trebui pe plan local să se ia o măsură. Tratamentul este foarte bun, iar oamenii foarte amabili. Voi mai veni cu cea mai mare plăcere, mai ales că sunt aici şi urme romane”, ne-a spus Veronica Suciu din Tg. Mureş.
Biletul unui tratament de 18 zile este, pentru pensionari, jumătate din valoarea cuponului de pensie. Dar, nu numai pensionarii pot veni aici. „În hotel, avem locuri şi pentru flotanţi. De exemplu, dacă un turist vrea să înopteze la noi şi să stea pe cont propriu, îl costă 105 lei pe zi, preţ care include cazare, trei mese pe zi şi proceduri”, ne spune directorul Cîtu.
Turiştii au dormit şi pe holuri
Complexul este ocupat acum în proporţie de 95%, dar au fost şi zile mai pline. „Capacitatea este de 208 locuri, dar am avut şi 260. Toată lumea se mira pe unde i-am cazat. Pe holuri, prin baza de tratament, avem vreo 40 de fotolii pat pe care le-am băgat prin fiecare cameră, pentru că, de regulă, vin şi cu câte un copil. Am mai amenajat şi în club sau în sala de gimnastică. La urma urmei, pacienţii nu vin să doarmă, vin să-şi facă tratamentul, să-şi facă procedurile”, ne-a declarat directorul complexului.
Miracole prin tratamente specializate
Staţiunea oferă alinare pentru pacienţi cu afecţiuni ale aparatului locomotor, reumatismale, inflamatorii, ginecologice, hepato-biliare, digestive, de nutriţie, endocrine şi ale căilor urinare. Ca factori terapeutici, în staţiune se găsesc ape minerale mezotermale, slab sulfuroase, oligominerale, nămol sapropelic sulfuros, climat de crutare, aerosoli generaţi de plantele de câmp şi o atmosferă bogată în ioni negativi.
Articolul se datoreaza Cristinei Popescu. Sursa: Adevarul

The 4 Dragons: A Chinese Tale

Once upon a time, there were no rivers and lakes on earth, but only the Eastern Sea, in which lived four dragons: the Long Dragon, the Yellow Dragon, the Black Dragon and the Pearl Dragon. One day the four dragons flew from the sea into the sky. They soared and dived, playing at hide-and-seek in the clouds. "Come over here quickly!" the Pearl Dragon cried out suddenly. "What's up?" asked the other three, looking down in the direction where the Pearl Dragon pointed. On the earth they saw many people putting out fruits and cakes, and burning incense sticks. They were praying! A white-haired woman, kneeling on the ground with a thin boy on her back, murmured: "Please send rain quickly, God of Heaven, to give our children rice to eat.." For there had been no rain for a long time. The crops withered, the grass turned yellow and fields cracked under the scorching sun. "How poor the people are!" said the Yellow Dragon. "And they will die if it doesn't rain soon." The Long Dragon nodded. Then he suggested, "Let's go and beg the Jade Emperor for rain." So saying, he leapt into the clouds. The others followed closely and flew towards the Heavenly Palace. Being in charge of all the affairs in heaven, on earth and in the sea, the Jade Emperor was very powerful. He was not pleased to see the dragons rushing in. "Why do you come here instead of staying in the sea and behaving yourselves?" The Long Dragon stepped forward and said, "The crops on earth are withering and dying, Your Majesty. I beg you to send rain down quickly!" "All right. You go back first, I'll send some rain down tomorrow." The Jade Emperor pretended to agree while listening to the songs of the fairies. "Thanks, Your Majesty!" The four dragons went happily back. But ten days passed, and not a drop of rain came down. The people suffered more, some eating bark, some grass roots, some forced to eat white clay when they ran out of bark and grass roots. Seeing all this, the four dragons felt very sorry, for they knew the Jade Emperor only cared about pleasure, and never took the people to heart. They could only rely on themselves to relieve the people of their miseries. But how to do it? Seeing the vast sea, the Long Dragon said that he had an idea. "What is it? Out with it, quickly!" the other three demanded. "Look, is there not plenty of water in the sea where we live? We should scoop it up and spray it towards the sky. The water will be like rain drops and come down to save the people and their crops." "Good idea!" The others clapped their hands. "But," said the Long Dragon after thinking a bit, "We will be blamed if the Jade Emperor learns of this. "I will do anything to save the people," the Yellow Dragon said resolutely. "Let's begin. We will never regret it." The Black Dragon and the Pearl Dragon were not to be outdone. They flew to the sea, scooped up water in their mouths, and then flew back into the sky, where they sprayed the water out over the earth. The four dragons flew back and forth, making the sky dark all around. Before long the seawater became rain pouring down from the sky. "It's raining! It's raining!" "The crops will be saved!" The people cried and leaped with joy. On the ground the wheat stalks raised their heads and the sorghum stalks straightened up. The god of the sea discovered these events and reported to the Jade Emperor. "How dare the four dragons bring rain without my permission!" The Jade Emperor was enraged, and ordered the heavenly generals and their troops to arrest the four dragons. Being far outnumbered, the four dragons could not defend themselves, and they were soon arrested and brought back to the heavenly palace. "Go and get four mountains to lay upon them so that they can never escape!" The Jade Emperor ordered the Mountain God. The Mountain God used his magic power to make four mountains fly there, whistling in the wind from afar, and pressed them down upon the four dragons. Imprisoned as they were, they never regretted their actions. Determined to do good for the people forever, they turned themselves into four rivers, which flowed past high mountains and deep valleys, crossing the land from the west to the east and finally emptying into the sea. And so China's four great rivers were formed -- the Heilongjian (Black Dragon) in the far north, the Huanghe (Yellow River) in central China, the Changjiang (Yangtze, or Long River) farther south, and the Zhujiang (Pearl) in the very far south.

The Legend of the Marble Cat

Deep, deep in the rainforest, a very long time ago, a jungle mother gave birth to six, perfect little kittens and the Spirit of the Forest was pleased.

Four of them looked just like their mother, soft and gold and spotted all over, like tiny leopards, a pattern designed by nature to hide them in the deep forest from ancient and fearful enemys who liked kittens for lunch.

The other two, however, were different. They, too, had coats as soft as velvet, but one of them was all gold, as bright as the sun and the other was as white as the full moon! Mother named them Sunlight and Moonbeam.

She named her other kittens more traditional names, names that had been passed from mother cat to daughter cat, on and on, down through the generations: Panthera, Tiger Lily, Orchid and Raven.

Deep in the nest, hidden in the secret glen behind the waterfall, in the thickest part of the rainforest where the trailing orchids bloomed in a wild and colorful profusion, Mother cared for her kittens and worried.

She knew that her son Moonbeam and her daughter Sunshine would soon be exposed to a very dangerous world and with their beautiful, bright coats, they would stand out like lights on the jungle floor, easy for enemies to see.

As the kittens grew and the day approached when they would be venturing from the safety of the den, Mother began to council them in the ways of concealment: To Sunshine and Moonbeam she said: "Now, remember, until you are grown and can run very fast, you must stay under leaves and vines so you will be hidden from above. Never venture into the open jungle unless you can sit in a spot of bright sun or a beam of the full moon, for that is what you look like.

To her spotted children she said: "You must also be cautious, but you may use the pattern of the forest floor as your camouflage. When stalking your prey, move only when they look away and when you freeze in place, your spots will help you to disappear into the sun dappled jungle.

And so it was that the two kittens learned to hide their special beauty, venturing out from beneath the leaves and vines only rarely, while their spotted brothers and sisters came and went as they pleased, carrying their concealment with them. The Spirit of the Forest was pleased.

One bright, sunny day, Mother took her four tiny leopards on a hunting lesson, warning Sunlight and Moonbeam to stay hidden until they returned.

"I don't want to stay here all day." complained Sunshine, "Me either. I want to watch Mother." replied Moonbeam. "Why don't we just creep from plant to plant and keep hidden. She will never know we're there." suggested Sunshine. Off they went, excited to be on an adventure, and, being the good kittens they were, proceeding cautiously as well, remembering all the lessons their mother had taught them.

They could smell the scent of their family and followed it. They scampered on, always under the leaves of low growing plants, while the sunlight painted beautiful, undulating patterns of deep shade on their bright coats.

Suddenly, the smell of danger raised the hairs on their backs and they froze like statues even before they saw the horrible sight. As their eyes adjusted to the pure sunlight, the kittens saw they were at the edge of a brightly lit clearing, filled with dry weeds and golden grasses. Up against a rock wall were their brothers and sisters, cringing in the presence of... Jackel! A very large Jackel! He was in between Mother and her kittens. Mother was crouched and snarling behind him. Everyone knew, Jackels eat kittens!

Glancing back and forth between the kittens and their mother, Jackel sneered and boasted to her, "You know I'm going to get at least one of them, maybe even two. Why, I'll be out of here with my lunch before you can reach me. I just don't know which one to take first. They are all so fat and yummy looking."

Under the cover of a leaf, Sunshine and Moonbeam looked at each other and passed a single thought between them. "Mother's lessons!". They silently circled the small clearing, keeping to the cover of the forest. Now they were on opposite sides of Jackel and entered the dry weeds. Softly. Quietly. Keeping as flat to the ground as the dry, dusty rocks, they inched toward their ancient enemy, each moving only when he turned his attention to gloat to Mother or frighten the kittens. As they neared the Jackel, Mother's crouching posture changed just slightly, subtlety. She knew they were there! She couldn't smell them because they had wisely placed themselves down wind of the enemy, but she could just barely see her bright and beautiful children in the bright sunlight of the field! Intent on the kittens he had cornered, Jackel was oblivious, he never knew what hit him.

Jackel took half a step toward the frightened kittens frozen against the rock face and Wham! The earth before him erupted in a squalling, screaming fury of knives and teeth! Stunned and frightened, Jackel felt Mother's teeth sink deeply into his rear haunches and her claws rack his sides. Slashing, screaming demons were fastened to his head! Leaping madly about the clearing and crashing into trees and rocks, Jackel finally managed to dislodge his attackers and all he could see with the eye that was still open, was the tail end of Mother, as she disappeared into the jungle.

Panthera, Tiger Lily, Orchid and Raven had been stunned by the apparently sudden appearance of their brother and sister, but wasted no time streaking past the besieged Jackel, into the safety of the rainforest. They were followed shortly by Sun, Moon and Mother. Together, they ran swiftly through the jungle, to the safety of their hidden den, in the secret glen, behind the waterfall, in the thickest part of the rainforest where the trailing orchids bloomed.

It had been a miracle. Nothing needed to be said. Mother cleaned her kittens and purred them to sleep.

Sunlight and Moonbeam awoke at dusk, from a deep slumber of complete exhaustion. They crept out of the den, called by a silent summons. There! Under the big tree, or was it part of it? They thought they could see the faint form of the Spirit of the Forest. They knew it was she who had summoned them.

Her voice was like the whisper of the leaves or maybe the passing breeze, but the kittens could hear her plainly in their heads. This was strange, indeed. Not in the time of any ancestor they could remember, had anyone actually seen the Spirit of the Forest, but, oddly, they were not frightened.

She spoke, "You are all my children and I love you. Even the Jackel is one of my children, but it was not his destiny to eat kitten for lunch today. You have performed a selfless act of incredible bravery and shall be rewarded. I give you something you have always wanted, the gift of concealment."

To Moonbeam she said: "You will be a cat of the night: I bless you with the misty shadows of the leaves and vines, falling across your back by the light of the full moon. You will be able to pass by unnoticed in the night jungle."

To Sunshine she said: "You are to be a cat of the day, wearing the deep shadows of the leaves and twisting creepers across your body, letting your glittering sunlit coat sparkle through in bits and swirls. You will be impossible to see in the jungle on a sunny day. Step forward now."

The kittens stepped out from under the leaves they had instinctively stood under and were amazed to see that their coats now had the patterns of the vines and leaves.

As her image and voice began to fade, The Spirit of the Forest said, "From now on, your names will be Secret Sun and Hiding Moon. All of your unspotted descendants will be blessed with these marking as well, to conceal them safely in either sun or moonlight. I am pleased."

To this day, marbled kittens carry with them the patterns of the leaves and vines of that long ago jungle, the reward of their ancestors' uncommon courage: the shadows cast upon them through the trees, by the sun and the moonlight.

Discovered by Susan Dunsworth after countless hours of research, pouring over ancient texts and speaking with cats.
© 2004

funnymady1992 and Star

A very cute video about me and Star, my mare...hope you enjoy the video, as well as the song :)

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